Page 3 Navigation and Searching The Web

Part 1-Navigation-One of the biggest challenges for businesses and customer alike is navigating the internet.This week please answer the following questions on your blog-

1) Listen to the podcast on Navigation which can be found on the Digital Enterprise Page (Google -the digital enterprise).

a) What are the four (4) main point Michael Rappa makes about search?

The main point by Michael Rappa makes about search from his observation is he see users today still at a stage in which most users are fairly inexperienced about how it is to go searching for information, and also what's going on in the background with a particular search engine. He also see is that people take a relatively rudimentory approach to search. Second is that all of these databases are, in a sense, an approximation, a portion of the vast amount of digital information that's out there . The collection mechanism for search engines are not able to crawl and collect all of the information out there, especially realizing the fact. He get it many people don't really have a good conceptualization of what it is a search engine does, and how it does it. But a search engine is simply a database of urls, an associated key word, and text, and or images which got compiled.So to summarize then, a search engine is essentially four things. Itis a collection mechanism for adding data info that database.The final point about navigating the web and the business of search is that it really has become the core focal point of some of the most important things that are happening on the internet today,as it relates to that larger digital world.

Q 2(b):

I am totally agree with Marissa Mayer statement that ''search is in its infancy''.It is because when the user cannot find what they want to search like images, videos, data or information.They can get it at Google or many applications that they want it. My personal experience with search it helped me in found a database and information.

Part 2-History of the internet

2)Good background to the internet and particularly to the emergence of the World Wide Web.

a)So what are the 6 web?

1. The Near Web : The internet that you see when you use through your PC.

2. The Here Web : The internet that is always carry with you anywhere you go,example mobile phones.

3. The Far Web : The internet that you see on your screen PC, gaming, advertising on LCD screen.

4. The Weird Web : the internet via voice recognition.

5.Business to Business (B2B) : Where the business systems communicate through the web to each other
without human interaction.

6.Device to Device (D2D) : The internet or where devices connect each other via data collected by smart sensors that manage environment and relate.

b) Could there be more?

On my opinion, I agree there will be more webs because for this era of globalization today's people need more application to make something work to be easy and faster.

c)What does it mean for business?

This means for business is that it is very important to make transactions process.It's help a business be more effective, more faster and more easy.It's also can be a good promotion in a website.Customers easy to doing business with the company via the web without need to out from their home.

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